
Sunday, October 6, 2013

In Conversation with Dayal Madan :)

Born in a small town of Nainital District, currently residing in New Delhi, he is twenty two, and currently single. He graduated from Dehradun Institute of Technology, and currently works in finance domain. He founded 'Rhythm Books' along with a friend Gurinder Arora. Besides writing novel, he loves to play poker and write raps too.

Here he lets his readers know a little more about himself and his journey as a writer:

1. Tell us something about your book?

Millionaire, is a story of crazy love, expectations, sacrifice, passion towards your goal, and above all, the commitment and emotion. The story talks about aspirations and ambition towards your goal. People usually ask me if it’s something related to business, finance and all. But it’s not; it’s a puppy college love story of Dev Arora and Visha Kapoor, a tale of two lovers who begin their journey of togetherness. It’s true that life doesn't guarantee you happiness without any sorrow; all it matters is rising above it. Millionaire talks about those ups and downs in life and the commitment towards your love and the passion to be a millionaire.

2. 'Rhythm Books' is a new publishing house, how did you come up with this concept?

Talking about two years back, I considered myself the last person to write something, or even read any book. But things changed gradually when someone suggested me some books to read. To be honest, I started to write just to impress that person, and slowly and slowly, it became my hobby. The idea of 'Rhythm Books' came to my mind when my first draft got rejected from three publishers; although it’s true that my first draft was pathetic. So when I started up with my second draft, I made up my mind that I would be going to do everything by myself, no matter how much painful it may be. On the same day, I called my cousin (and my business partner) Gurinder Arora and told him about the plan. 

And believe me, it feels great to work as a driving force behind 'Rhythm books'. We only follow one simple plan, no outsourcing. We write, we edit, we typeset, we design cover, and we make trailer videos. In fact, if we had enough funds, we could have bought a printing press also.

3. What inspired you to write this book ‘Millionaire’ and publish it through 'Rhythm Books'?

Well, nobody inspired me to write a book. As mentioned earlier, it started as a show-off, and slowly turned as a hobby, and will remain a hobby. And 'Rhythm Books' is just a beginning, I have a lot of venture ideas piled up in my mind.

4. What do you think is your biggest strength when it comes to writing?

It’s patience. Writing something requires a lot of patience. There may come time when you sit idle in front of your computer screen thinking what to write, or how to start. And at the next moment, you shut down your system and start doing something else. Writing is something in which you’ll always miss the deadlines. And once you get struck at something, it may take days to come out of it. It’s true that it takes only a small idea to start writing something, but it takes a hell lot of patience to complete it.

5. Share some of your interesting memories you lived while writing this book?

I barely had any time when I started up with Millionaire. I was fully occupied with my day job, and during weekends, I was at my native town resting on the couch in front of the TV. The only free time I had was when I was travelling. My work place was at a distance of two hours, so I used to utilize that time imagining characters and writing chapters on my phone. More than eighty percent of the book has been written on my phone during travelling, and the rest twenty percent is taken from my previous draft. So it was a nice experience for me hiding my phone screen from the people who kept on staring at it.

6. What are your views on co-authoring? Would you like to co-author your future work with someone? If yes, then who?

One plus one is surely not eleven, but is greater than two. Every person has a different perspective, so combining different views and working as one can lead to a great product. Plus, it helps marketing. So I believe co-authoring a book can overshadow your weakness with someone else’s strength. And I'm not picky about people. If given a chance, I would love to work with practically anyone on a book as far as he/she is willing to accept my weird concepts.

7. Some words for the budding writers who might be penning down their debut books. 

A friend of mine once said to me, ‘if there’s a book that you want to read but hasn't been written yet, then you should write it.’ So I would like to pass these words to all the budding writers. Everyone has a story and anyone can be a writer, all we need is to push our limits.

8. What are some things you like to do when you’re not writing?

I like to listen and write raps. I'm a great fan of Eminem, not only because of his songs, but also because of his struggle in his early life. It was only because of his passion and sacrifices he dealt that he’s now considered as the king of hip-hop. It reminds me of the fact that nothing is impossible once we decide to do anything.

Apart from it, I like to watch sitcoms, especially ‘F.R.I.E.N.D.S.’, I like to drive (although not in Delhi’s traffic), I like to try new things to eat, I like to work, I like to think and most importantly, I like to sleep.

9. How do you envision your book will impact your readers?

Millionaire is a story of love and passion. People who have been in love can easily relate the story to themselves. The book’s primary motive is to entertain people, and I believe I may server its purpose. But there are many incidents from which readers can take inspiration, say it loyalty and commitment. The message Millionaire tries to give to its readers is that, where there is a will there may not be a way, but it’s you who has to find the way.

10. What is your least favourite part of the writing process?

It’s editing. The book is edited by us only, and it was a painful task. We used to be awake till late to find errors in the book and correct them, and once a chapter was checked and corrected completely, we used to celebrate making noises and banging walls. Still, it took us a month to completely finish the process. Although when the book was printed, we found few more errors; see nobody is perfect. We could've hired a professional editor to do the same, but then, it would have hindered out learning capabilities. Here at 'Rhythm books', we follow no outsourcing and learning is fun rule. Project Rhythm does not intend to make money out of it, but to enhance our capabilities and grasp as much as we can. 


Billions of people, with zillions of dreams. Dreams that say I want to be rich, I want to see my favourite car in the garage of my beach-house, I want to have everything I want. Its true that money cant buy happiness, cause it is happiness. But do dreams really turn into reality? Can an ordinary life be deciphered to extra-ordinary?
Bank balance of hundreds of millions, colossal apartment, resplendent black car, and retirement in the early twenties; he had everything. But it all appeared void to him. He was incomplete without his first and very last vish. The happiness couldn't buy him his vish. Can love be ever so strong that it can overshadow all the luxuries? Is the love he lost ever coming back? What about the promises he made? When he had nothing, he wanted everything. When he had everything, he felt nothing. He was Dev Arora, a multi-millionaire.


  1. Wow..Millionare is a superb book ...it is a perfect mixture of love, pain , money and fun...

    1. Exactly it is an awesome read. Plus the author is nice too. Good human. :)

    2. hahaha. I'm no human. I'm a vampire (with glasses). . :D

    3. That's even better in a world where girls are going gaga over vampires :D

    4. . . bring me some witches . . :D
