
Tuesday, December 31, 2013


This New Year, rejoice for there’s a story we all have been waiting for. Rejuvenate, for there’s a story that will make you realize the meaning of life. While you lie under the blankets in the chilly nights, this is the book that will keep you wide awake till the wee hours of the morning Yes, I am talking about my debut fiction with Pulkit Gupta, ‘Life and Promises’. Read an account of our Chit-Chat.

Pulkit: Hello everyone. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all the readers.  Let me introduce myself to you people. I am Pulkit Gupta, author of ‘Life and Promises - Story of an IITian turned CA aspirant.’ I am here with my co-author Ila Garg to share our views about Life, its Promises, Challenges, Love, Relationship and New Year Resolutions. Let’s start our discussion about this month which marks the end of a happening year and starting of a hopeful year. Ila, what are you views about December?

Ila: Well according to me it’s the most beautiful time of the year.

Pulkit: What made you say that?

Ila: It’s beautiful because it makes me happy. Perhaps it’s the only month when I find myself smiling for no reason. It’s the time to cherish the memories of the whole year that has passed by and plan the events of the upcoming year. It’s also like a milestone in the journey towards the ultimate destination. A month of festivities, I love to call December - The white month, as it is symbolic of snow for me. I love snow. It’s so magical, beautiful, and resonate peace. December is a full on chilled out moments for me, I love to shop around. The cozy blanket on the winter night, with loads of coffee to sip, and books to read. Just perfect!

Pulkit: Exactly and we can also add the X-factor of Promises to it. Whenever we see the New Year approaching we start making the list of our New Year Resolutions. Trust me 50% of them are nothing but the repeat of previous year list. If you have made any resolution then you should complete them too. I have always believed that life is 20% planning and rest 80% lies in the implementation.

Ila: But Pulkit it is not necessary that everything goes as per your plan?

Pulkit: I completely agree with you on that. But beauty of life lies in its uncertainty. A success without hurdles is nothing. You will get the real taste of success only after you have achieved that after overcoming all the challenges and failures. See, according to me if you get any challenge then it is both an opportunity as well as threat to you. Now it is up to you that you grab that opportunity and emerge as a winner or surrender to that threat. For e.g. maintaining your personal life while doing CA is a tough thing but not impossible. By the way, what does Love means to you and what is the importance of the relationship in one’s life?

Ila: For me, love is no less than a prayer. It is too pure a feeling for me. When I see a happy couple, it makes me happy, I smile and my heart smiles with me. Love is in that sense very powerful. I adore the SRK - Gauri love. My latest icons are Gauhar Khan and Kushal Tandon. Gaushal! :) I find love in the tiniest things around me. I love my pillow, my clothes, my books, I love me. It pains me to see anyone hurt esp. because of me, may be that is what love actually is. I love everyone and everything unless they hurt me or make me hate them. When you start falling for somebody and you can't stop thinking about when you're going to see them again, I love that. In a relationship each person should support the other; they should lift each other up.

Pulkit when we are talking about New Year we should also talk about Christmas and Santa Claus. Have you ever been a Santa for people around you?

Pulkit: What a question! Coincidentally this was the best Christmas for me as I acted as Santa for all my readers. Our book, ‘Life and Promises’ was scheduled to release on New Year’s Eve, but I preponed the release to 24th December, and most of the readers got the book in their hands on 25th  as a Christmas gift. I believe that all of us can act as a Santa and can spread happiness, and this will be the best Christmas gift for people around us.

Ila: Sorry, I couldn’t get you?

Pulkit: See it is not necessary that we should actually give gifts to act as Santa. Even a poor person can be a Santa. Just spend some time with people at Old Age Homes and it will be the best gift for them. They are not hungry for food but love. Play with Children of any Orphanage and it will help you to relax your mind. You will re-live your childhood time with them. Have a chat with a person with whom you are not in talking terms, and you will win his heart.  So, this New Year do something productive and different. What is your New Year Resolution Ila?

Ila: To get my second book published soon *laughs*. On a serious note, I resolve to love myself more, because I truly believe that I deserve that. I would pamper myself, go shopping. And I will want to see the ‘Bestseller’ tag on the second edition of ‘Life and Promises’. Also, I want to fall in love again! And get loads and loads of pictures clicked. Besides that, I really want to laugh like I always did, and party, meet new people. Explore places! In short, I want to go wild and discover the child within.

Pulkit: Any message which you will like to give to the readers?

Ila: Life is too short. Fulfil all your promises. Don’t waste your time in overthinking. Help others whenever you can irrespective of the fact that how they treated you. Trust me, they will adore you. I have always believed in standing for what is right and being fair in all my decisions, I will continue to do that. I hope you all do the same. It’s very important to be assertive and always follow your heart. Never wait for somebody to come and love you, love yourself. I remember the previous Valentine’s days. I used to buy gifts for myself. I have some of them in my almirah, safely tucked in. This always looked weird to my friends but for me, it was very essential. It made me believe that whosoever is my Mr. Right, he is always with me somewhere. It’s very important to focus on yourself before you expect others to focus on you and make you their priority. Also, it’s equally important to love others, and make them feel heavenly. Do things that make you happy once in a while without thinking what others will say. I always do that.

What is your message to them Pulkit?

Pulkit: ‘Live for today and hope for tomorrow.’ You can enjoy success only when you have your loved ones with you. Never ignore your friends and love your parents. Bless You!
We hope that you people must have enjoyed their Chit-Chat. Team of News-O-Holic wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year. Book their copy from:-

Website- http://www.lifeandpromises.com/


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