
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Woman's Code - Book Review

The Woman’s Code
By Binduu Chopra
Review By Ila Garg

The Woman’s Code, a beautiful novella by the Binduu Chopra is published by Author’s Empire Publication. The cover art by Sunill Kaushik is attractive and also gives a glimpse into the character of the novel, who is a free spirit. The title is very involving as well. Men would want to read to know the inner world of a woman and women will read it for obvious reasons.

First impressions: Excellent cover and title with a nice paper quality. As I went on reading it, I could see the editing being done well, though I did find 2-3 proofreading issues, which can be neglected.

The blurb reads as “She was not like most of the Indian women we know and read about! She was not someone who wanted to be confined to the kitchen. The wild teenager didn't want to let go her dreams that got buried when she was married at 18. Filled with love, compassion and a desire, she started to weave back the threads at 40.

Will she fulfil her dreams? Will she find her freedom? Or will she find the dust on her furniture more important than the poems in her heart?

In this intimate & heartfelt story, you will find a woman's fight to take possession of her strength & desire. It’s a journey that describes the importance of emotional balance in relationships. It’s a journey that describes a woman. It’s a journey that describes The Woman's Code.”

One thing that I extremely liked about this novella is - In one of the lines, Binduu Ma’am wrote “She/He” instead of “He/She”, redefining the norms and going against the set stereotypes. Loved it.

The story is well written. The depth of emotions with such a seamless effort engages the readers. The story in a nutshell, is about the ups and downs in Sumi’s life, how she is hurt but determined, undying love resides in her heart and she freely shows it, achieving success, being a free spirit, letting loose, a commitment of life, learning things the hard way, and many more such themes. The way Sumi handles this constant connect and disconnect with new people in her life is the main crux of the book.

The author has good narrative skills, as she has managed to keep the language crisp and clear. The 104 page book takes you along with it and makes you realise that every life is not a mills and boons tale; sometimes you have to come out of that fairy tale and live the real life which is not an easy affair. The story is meaningful and the main reason that I loved this book is the hope that it leaves you with towards the end.

Binduu Ma’am kept the reader’s interest maintained throughout with the captive plot! The pace of the story is smooth too. It is an inspirational tale of a girl’s life and narrates the saga of transformation of a girl to woman, adding to its USP.

The too many turmoil of Sumi’s life is just one of the reasons you want to keep turning the pages to find out what happens in ‘The Woman’s Code’. To find out how she grew up as an individual cutting out of the cultural confinements that were laid upon her; you will have to read the novella, ‘The Woman’s Code’.

Binduu Ma’am has done a wonderful job with it. She has also promised to pen down the sequel to this novella soon, which would keep her readers waiting with pleasure.

It’s a must read for every young girl who has to get married/or is about to get married. It’s an eye opener to girls who must not forget that just as they have dreams, their moms perhaps too would have sacrificed some parts of their life to raise them and like-wise a mom in law. A woman has every right to fulfil her desire when she feels the TIME IS JUST RIGHT FOR HER. “If your happiness is not subject to anyone or anything, only then you can say 'I am free'. Otherwise it doesn't matter if you are in prison or you are walking outside on the street, still you are a prisoner within yourself. A girl is forever imprisoned. This book is therefore, especially for women to seek their inner freedom. It’s like a key to open and come out of the confinements of the doors.” Best wishes!

Ratings: 4/5

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