
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Bliss of Being Published! :)

I started as a reader, turned into a reviewer. Gradually treaded the path to become a writer and an editor. The constant love and encouragement from some really lovely people around me helped this journey to stay as smooth as possible. Today, as I hold these 6 books in my hand, I instantly feel a curve forming on my face. I laugh and memories cling me. The past 2-3 months have been really memorable! A roller coaster ride indeed and yet worth while. I remember how it began and today as I go back to reviewing, taking a break from writing, my mind at once feels much relaxed and happy. A happy heart is passée, but a happy mind is something rare. Basking in this glory for sometime. Yes, I am much Humbled! :) Thank you to one and all for believing in me and letting me live this dream. May your dreams fulfil too and may I keep spreading love and happiness around, like I always used to do. God bless us all.

Ila :) 

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