
Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Temple of Avinasi (Part 1) - Book Review

The Temple of Avinasi: The Legend of the Kalki
By Ayush Pathak
Review By Ila Garg

The Temple of Avinasi, a gripping and thrilling narrative by the writer Ayush Pathak is published by Frog Books (an imprint of Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltd). The paper and print quality show that it is a publication house that we should keep an eye on. The cover is eye pleasing and hooks the readers. This is the first part of the six book long series and is named “The Temple of Avinasi: The Legend of Kalki”. The title and the cover arouse the interest and curiosity of the readers.

The author, Ayush Pathak is an Electrical Engineer from BIET Jhansi and presently residing in Nasik, Maharashtra. Having spent his entire childhood in listening and dreaming about mythological tales, Epic Fantasy engulfed his imagination. The Temple of Avinasi is thus his novel falling under the same genre.

His debut novel was published by Mahaveer Publishers, titled Bounded In Chains-- I thought of my own Kingdom’.

The blurb reads as “From the ashes of Epic Wars shall the great Lord of Dark rise, So terrible his wrath, every protestor shall demise…

Ripped apart would be the Shield and the protecting forces, A whole world shall fall, mortal or otherwise…

A heroic tale timed in modern age — a battle of existence between evil and the good, bred on the ashes of the four thousand year old legendry Epic Wars. The ‘Immortal Protectors’ of the Temple are finding it hard to maintain control over a new rising evil power, far greater in magnitude than the previous war.

The Shield that protects Earth from external attacks had stopped the invading Dark Seekers, also called Nishachars — a fled group from some distant dying planet — for long. Until four thousand years ago … when the shield was ruptured, and the entire mortal world turned on the edge of demolition. It was then the immortal protectors, the Light Seekers, more commonly known as Devs, along with the remaining army of mortals fought and drove back the combined army of Nishachars and Asurs, and restored the shield — but at a great price. The Nishachars retreated, and since then they have grown and redoubled their army several times, waiting for their prophesized Dark Lord to rise. The Devs, on the other hand, knowing that they won’t be able to stop the Great Dark Lord, if risen — formed a secret brotherhood named ‘The Temple of Avinasi’ and scattered themselves throughout the world. Their only feeble hope lies in an ancient legend named ‘Kalki’, the last prophesized Avatar of Vishnu… And unaware of all this, two fourteen year old boys are presently spending their time merrily together in the mortal world, innocently oblivious to the fact, that how much changed their destinies are from what it seems, and how much the world’s fate is dependent on them...”

This is a book of fantasy fiction built on the tenth reincarnation of Lord Vishnu. It is a book, which is not exactly belonging to mythology, but it comprises more of fantasy. The characters are taken in parts from the Hindu mythology. The Dev-Asur war or the war between the good and evil forces with the humans being involved in the midst of it serves as the backdrop. The writer did a wonderful job with his choice of words in this book, The Temple of Avinasi (Part 1).

His writing style isn’t very difficult to decipher. The simple language is perhaps the USP here. Readers won’t find it too complex in terms of comprehension and can enjoy every page of this page-turner marvel! He has kept the pace comfortable and the interest is well maintained too.

I found the beginning of the story very tasteful. It began with Shri, an immortal, Dev, or a Light-Seeker. He is in search of a dangerous weapon hidden inside the Asura Palace. His aim is to safeguard the human race or Nashwars. Gradually the story started taking twists and turns. I liked how the introduction of Yeti took place and the initial conversations between him and Angel was well created too.

Every word is so well knit in the story that nowhere can a reader feel disconnected with the plot. The story in a nutshell, is about long lasting battles between the good and evil, angels and demons, dev and asura. This also is the main crux of the book. Scenes at the Dark Fort create a lot of excitement and compel you to read in a go.

The author has good narrative skills. Even the last chapter where the author has just given a synopsis on the 2nd book is wonderfully penned down that it does not look like an incomplete story but a complete book. The writing style of this writer is so compelling that you find it difficult to put down this book without reaching the end.

The 389 page book takes you along with it and makes your heart beat faster at times while slower at other times. He has focused on Love as the eternal bonding of life and the search for survival. It is the perfect blend of mythology and fantasy and mystery.

The forces of Good and Evil standing against each other is one of the many reasons you want to keep turning the pages to find out what happens in The Temple of Avinashi. To find out whether Good prevails over Evil, what happens to Shri, is Shri successful in his mission, who is Angel, how the Light-Seekers save the human race against the Nishachars, what happens in the Dark Fort; you will have to read the novel, The Temple of Avinashi.

I personally feel that this novel has given a good start to his writing career. I recommend this book to all readers, irrespective of their age. The story line kept me glued till the end; there is definitely a scope for sequels which I am looking forward to. Some of the philosophies and sayings of Lord Krishna are also mentioned in the book, clearly indicating that the writer has well researched too.

He has promised it to be a 6 book series, however am not sure if it is such a good idea, since creating Harry Potter in India is still a much ambitious project. His theory about life is - A life which begins with a dream, ends with success. Wishing him the best for his future ventures!

Ratings: 4/5

Buy it here.