
Saturday, June 28, 2014

And I felt like a Magician!

It was an ordinary day, which suddenly turned extraordinary as I held the magic wand in my hand. I reached my workplace in time and started my work tasks for the day, when I remembered that I had to go on a photo walk that evening and I had forgotten my camera at home. I somehow accomplished all my tasks for the day and left office.

I met my friend Riya at the decided venue and told her that I will not be able to go further as I don't have my camera. She assured me that it won't be a problem and winking at me she gave me her phone. She told me it would serve better than a camera, I just stared at her dumbfounded. I remember calling her insane and how can she even think this will beat a camera. She just smiled and taking my hand she literally dragged me. 

We started clicking pictures once the whole team had reached the venue. I was amazed at the camera quality of this phone - ASUS Zenfone 5. I was awestruck as I continued to use this new PixelMaster that captured perfect professional pictures.

Soon, it got dark and I could see my helplessness getting back. The whole team was now using flashes and I was feeling weird, looking at the phone. 

'Okay then, that's it for me, I guess! I should call it a day and head back home', I told the team. 

'Leaving already? But the night photography is the best part of this photo walk. How can you just miss it?' Varun tried to stop me and lure in the plan. 

My friend, Riya convinced me once again by showing some incredible features of the Zenfone - Low Light Photography.

Added to that, with Time Rewind feature in the phone, I was just too intrigued to click more. I enabled Time Rewind, and the PixelMaster camera automatically started recording images two seconds before and one second after pressing the shutter button. During this three-second period, 31 photos were recorded for me to choose, meaning that the perfect moment is never missed if you click from this phone.

I felt like a magician capturing shots that added to my memories. That night, I decided to stay at Riya's and explore this incredible phone. 

It was fun, 'this phone has super powers', Riya hushed at me. I eyed her and told her she should not exaggerate. 

'I know this is wonderful, has a powerful extraordinary camera, but super powers? No, please! Let's be realistic', I said to her.

She laughed it off and showed me the super power for real. 'Okay so this is called The Incredible Searchathon - this is like WOW! It can help you trace any of your friend just by imputing some information', she opened the feature. 

I simply drooled and gasped, curious to discover how it works. 

She continued, 'With this feature, you can see what others can't see and do what others can't do. Do you wanna try?'

'Of course!'

'Okay, so look all you have to do is open this Incredible Searchathon and start filling in the details - the phone number, name, and link of his/her Facebook profile and click on 'GO'. Simple, isn't? And then it simply traces your friend's phone location and takes you along with him on this map.'

'Oh well, it's superb. Almost like the magical map from Harry Potter!'

'Yeah. Isn't it fun? You know what, its 5 inch screen has an amazing display that will help you writing and editing docs on the go. You being a writer can utilize it to the fullest. It has multiple themes and fonts too.'

'I am just speechless.... My search for incredible ends here! - ASUS Zenfone 5. Thanks Riya for introducing me to this simple, peaceful, and beautiful phone.'

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