
Friday, September 5, 2014

An Interview with V.T. Rakesh :)

Bitten by the world of magical realism of a Garcia Marquez, Thriller tales of a Maclean or an Archer, nationalistic fervour of a Tharoor or a Nilekani, he finally took his dive to the deep ocean of writing. Married to Ms. Nisha Ponnoth, they have a son, Rishi. 

Here he lets his readers know a little more about himself and his journey so far. Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring to you VT Rakesh:

1.   Tell us something about your book?

It is a story of a Police Officer who is hell-bent on fighting terrorism, more because of his personal bad experiences with communal forces. It takes you through the genesis of terrorism, if nipped in the bud, can be a solace for the society at large. Being a crime-thriller it entertains the reader, even though the raison d’etre of the book is to convey a social message.

2.      It’s not a regular theme that you wrote on. How difficult was it to write this book?

Once decided on the theme, the real difficulty in writing is the kind of research one has to do, so that, things remain factual in the book. Readers should be able to connect with the incidents mentioned in the book.

3.      What inspired you to write this particular book?

Like any peace loving citizen, I was also perturbed with the increasing instances of terrorism-related violence and the political repercussions on the society. We need to present a better world to our next generation and should not push them into a mad world of religious bigots.

4.      Any plans for sequel of the book?

My second book is not exactly a sequel, but a continuation of the fight that the good Samaritans should be doing against communalism.

5.      What do you think is your biggest strength when it comes to writing?

Spontaneity can be counted in as a strength, since apart from the research I do to become factually correct, I do not prepare to write. Neither I go back and change what I have already written.

6.      If you were to describe your book in one line, what would it be?

It’s a depiction of struggle of humanity against factionalism and related violence.

7.      What message do you want to convey to your audience through your book?

We should stop fighting in the name of a few invisible Gods.

8.      How do you make sure the information used in your books is accurate and up-to-date?

I do in-depth research, and have travelled to the places mentioned in my book, even getting into a fishing boat to get that real-life feeling.

9.      One thing that you want your readers to know about you?

I’m a simple human being.

10.  Describe your writing style in ten words or less.

Simple language, humane themes, intrinsic messages and humorous.

11.  What’s the earliest memory you have of writing a story?

Having participated in a story writing competition in the school, wondering how can people write a story on a theme suggested by somebody else?

12.  How do you feel when someone disagrees with something you have written?

Feels contented that someone has taken the trouble to get into what I’ve written.

13.  What’s the biggest mistake new writers make according to you?

I don’t think they are making any big mistake while getting into writing. Like in any other field they also will learn from experience. A new-born child has to falter many times before he can run like Ussain Bolt.

14.  Tell us something about your future projects.

I am going through the finishing touches for my second book “Deliverance of Sarpameru”, which narrates the evolution of an island, starting from the early inhabitants to the immigrants, occupiers, invaders. It is a tale of how the vested interests and separatism can ruin the serenity of a healthy society. 

15. Lastly, is there a message you would like to convey your readers?

Keep life short and sweet, it is not worth taking it so seriously so that people need to take other’s lives to keep themselves happy.


So much has been talked about to quell the great religious divide in India. But it pervades like a dust storm all across the society, politics, business, and intelligentsia. Here is an honest attempt to see the nation first, a nation that cannot afford to talk divisive after sweltering for hundreds of years under foreign rule and their loot. This is the story of a police officer, who puts his life at stake in protecting the country. Narrated at the backdrop of some scintillating scenes of love, passion, and adventure, it keeps the readers glued to the content. The earthly appeal, scenic locales, and the contemporary relevance, make it a darling for all age groups. The book creates yet another “Tryst of Destiny,” this time in the twenty first century. The protagonist achieves what the creators of this nation could not, a change of heart of the hardliners. A must read for the world citizens of tomorrow – Vasudaivakudumbakam.

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