
Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Girl who found her angel :)

Looking back at my childhood days, I only shudder in immense pain. This might come as surprising but my childhood wasn't like yours. There is not even a single happy memory that I carry in my heart. I was molested by my elder brother, that too when I hardly knew what to feel. I cried and nobody seemed to hear until I decided to stop crying. It was an uncanny feeling and gradually as I grew up, I realized it was wrong but I was hapless. Nobody was there to show me a way out of the situation.

At that time, my parents were busy in their respective careers which involved late night meetings and as a result, I was left alone with my brother a lot many times. My plight didn't just end there. It was getting all the more worse. During that horrible time, I fell into bad company and was also introduced to cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. Those things helped me to escape the pain of being exploited by my own brother. I began lying to my mom regularly about my whereabouts so that I could smoke, drink and get high. I was trying in vain to lose myself in the toxic. My grades were falling rapidly and there was hardly anything that I could do about it as I wasn't even aware of myself any longer.

Woman smoking cigarette in grayscale photography | Pikrepo

And just then, in a disguise of an angel, I bumped into a friend who revamped my life and returned me my smile. I still remember how he held on to me for all those months. He saw me when I was almost invisible to everyone. He counselled me and distracted me enough to give up on my bad habits and even gave me courage to fight against my brother. I suddenly felt stronger with him by my side. I was alive again and he gave a new meaning to the word 'home' because as they say 'Home is where heart is'. I am glad I could come out of that mess and discover myself all over again. Not everyone gets that chance. I wish and pray that angels like him bump into the paths of all the children who are struggling to keep their innocence intact.

Hope you all come forward from your comfort zones and let your voices be heard. Child abuse is not only visible bruises or broken bones or some deadly wounds. It is what goes inside the heart of an innocent child that matters at the end of the day. A child's emotions shape his/her future. Regardless of the type of child abuse, the result is always fatal. Pledge to not let any child suffer. Pledge to be with them when they need you. Pledge to not ignore them in the light of your ambitions. Bring a smile to their faces because happiness is never a one way road. All your kindness will come back to you. We are together in this pain and happiness!

- The Girl who found her angel


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