
Thursday, July 2, 2015

"I am coming home!"

So of late, I have started reading and writing about martyrs a lot. This poem is kind of an after-effect of the same. Also, because I always wanted to bring out the pain that these brave soldiers hide in their hearts. Go on, give it a read. A poem about the home-coming of a retired soldier, who has served the nation for long. He is now retired, and is deemed to lead a different life altogether. It is inspired by Skylar Grey's song lyrics 'I am coming home'.

"I am coming home"
I am coming home
To the mustard fields, through the lanes to my village, to my beloved home.

Leaving behind the icy mountains of Siachen, the deserts of Rajasthan, the jungles of the North-east.

I lived my passion, I served my country till the last bit of courage in me - battling terrorists, extremists, and the enemy.

I have stood guard 24*7, forgone my sleep to make sure the countrymen sleep in peace.
I gave my all for that piece of tricolor fluttering in the wind, dancing in joy.

 I have seen civilians treat us like angels when we saved their lives, when we were victorious in the war. But let me remain a soldier for I don't want to be treated as God.

I have seen tears in their eyes, tears of being saved and of gratitude, I have also seen emotions which could only be conveyed through eyes.

I am a soldier - on land, water, and even air.

Always at service for establishment of peace - whether for the nation or for international peace treaties. I have braved extreme weather conditions too.

I have made life-long friends, life-time bonds with my comrades... moments to cherish and live forever, for as long long as I live.

I express my gratitude to those who prayed for my safety during the wars. They made me realize that I am watched over by Gods even during battles.

I need not fear anything now, I have never been afraid before. I am sure more steps would follow to continue saving the nation from intruders.

I have shed tears over losing my comrades, I am human too... Now as I leave the army, my eyes are filled with tears again.

I am coming home.

Sitting in an arm chair in the comfort of my home, I remember the wars I fought with great tenacity. I feel nostalgic at the thought of my comrades who lived to tell the tale and those who left their stories unfulfilled. They had a smile on their face as they bid adieu to this world.

And then there are those who went missing and haven't been heard of till now, those who are locked up in prisons in nations far and wide. I doubt if I will ever see them alive, though I keep them safe in my heart.

I have survived gunshot wounds, explosions, and heavy enemy fire. I wonder how will I survive this void now!

I will miss the camaraderie I shared with my comrades as I sit at the porch in evening, sipping the tea prepared by my wife.

Now I can listen to her endless complaints of being away from her for so long. I would love to hear her talk now and gorge on the delicious dishes that are filled with her love for me.

I am the same, my spirit is unchanged too... but my world has turned upside down suddenly. I miss the borders that I had guarded for so long.

It is tough to retire from something that you grow used to but then, I have to. My heart is filled with many emotions - leaving my comrades behind isn't easy.

I am coming home to my family now - people who have sacrificed a lot for me.

My wife who battled long periods of separation without complaints for she knew that I was fulfilling my oath to protect the nation.

My siblings who missed me at every celebration when the family gathered together.

My parents who only wanted their son to return home safe and sound, only to hug me tight and say that how much happy they are to have me back.

My children who used to miss me at their school gatherings and yet say proudly - "My dad is a soldier" when asked why I wasn't there.

Now it's time for me to do another duty - be near all those who matter to me.

I watch the sun set in the distant horizon and feel how aptly it reflects my life, setting down to rise again the next day.

In a few years, I would be a veteran to speak with the medals on my uniform narrating an untold saga, voicing the unspoken words.

I don't know if I would ever be able to express myself again...

Memories keep haunting me... All of a sudden, everything seems to be lost.

Something feels hollow deep inside me as the guns are now replaced with tea cups, newspapers, and sometimes, a pen.

I am coming home, I am coming home at last.

It's like I am reborn, but I would always remain a soldier at heart.

I begin a second life now, now that I am home.

- A soldier who has retired but hasn't stopped dreaming of the fronts.

Post Script: This poem is written in collaboration with Shwetabh Mathur


  1. Emotion stirring post... Hats off to those courageous souls who stay away from their loved ones for years and sometimes even lose their lives for people who don't even know them!

    1. Thank you Jyotika for coming here and spending time, reading this. I wish everyone of us can remember them in our prayers.
