
Monday, July 20, 2015

Major Mohit Saxena: A true hero who put his life at stake

Kargil War Heroes - Part 17

Soldiers are not merely human beings. They are supreme human beings as unlike others, they go beyond their comfort zone to ensure our safety. They risk their life so that we can stay safe, unharmed. Ever wondered what they expect in return? No, they don’t expect much, just a place in your heart and their name in your prayers is enough. 

Major Mohit Saxena, a brave son of India like every other soldier wanted to be remembered as the one who sacrificed his today for his countrymen’s tomorrow. Was it too much to ask for?

Commissioned into 2nd Rajputana Rifles, he had proved his mettle at Tololing on 12 June 1999. There he displayed extraordinary grit in capturing the Point 4590. Again, during the Kargil war, he was made the Delta Company Commander. On 28 June 1999, Major Mohit Saxena along with his platoon was assigned the task to capture Lone Hill located in the Drass sector. This was very crucial mission for the success of “Operation Vijay”. His leadership qualities were at display when he efficiently led the team through the difficult route, hiding from the enemy’s eyes. It was a dangerous mission but soldiers like Major Mohit Saxena have infringing determination which does not let them give up easily.

The snow clad peaks could not become a hurdle in front of his exemplary courage. He kept his team motivated and climbed up the steep mountain despite the odds. His zeal inspired others to follow him, and after that there was no looking back. As soon as they reached the top, the bombardment started from both sides. He fought with great tenacity and faced the enemy fire. In order to save the others in his platoon, with utter disregard to his personal safety, he boldly moved ahead. He started attacking the enemy with whatever little ammunition he had, faced the grenades, but didn’t accept defeat. His platoon soon followed his action and under his leadership, they successfully captured the Lone Hill, thus safeguarding it from the intruders.

He was rightly awarded the Vir Chakra, military’s second highest gallantry award for his bravery. Such soldiers are not born every day. The nation must not forget the efforts that they put in. They survive sleepless nights at the fronts so that the countrymen can sleep carefree in their beds.

However, the public never realises that these soldiers are putting their life at stake, compromising on their own happiness, and not even getting the respect that they deserve. Time to put on the thinking cap?

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