
Thursday, September 22, 2016

In Conversation With Anupama Garg :)

Anupama Garg is a post graduate in chemistry, and has received a Diploma in Business Management and completed law thereafter. She currently conducts programs under the name and style of “Life by Choice” with corporates, educational institutes, hospitals and organizations. The focal point of all the programs is self-awareness and self-cultivation leading to holistic wellness.

Here, she lets her readers know a little more about herself and her journey so far. Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring to you Anupama Garg:

Ila Garg: Hi Anupama.

Anupama Garg: Hi Ila!!

IG: Tell us something about you that only people close to you know.

AG: We will let that be for close people!!

IG: How does it feel to be a published writer? Has it changed you in anyway?

It feels good that I could write and present the truths on Tantra. Being a published author has not changed me in any way however I like to keep learning so I guess there are changes on regular basis.

IG: Have you always wanted to be a writer?

AG: No, I never thought that I would write a book.

IG: Tell us something about your book. How did the idea for this book shaped up in your mind?

It is an intense and passionate love story, inspirational handbook of life explaining the principles of Tantra. It is gripping, fast paced and set in present-day. The book is simple and easy to comprehend and will take the reader into a world that few understand and know. My idea to write this book was to draw attention to certain facts about Tantra.
I am a student of Tantra and disciple of Baba Batuknathji, a Tantric and the head of BhootNath ashram, the main centre being in Lucknow, India. Media in general has maligned, misinterpreted and misrepresented Tantrics as dark mystical people, indulging in sinister activities. Often people get duped as they lack the understanding of what it is all about. They are lured by such people in the name of offering miraculous solutions to their problems. This also is primarily due to fact that there is nothing known about Tantra. I am not really a writer and often I would discuss with my Guruji about miscreants posing as Tantrics and maligning Tantra.
This book happened as one day my Guruji directed me to write a book on Tantra which could be read and comprehended by a common man instead of sitting and forever complaining that why do people misunderstand Tantra so grievously.

IG: How do you envision your book will impact your readers?

It is a positive book with strong characters and introduces the readers to the truths of Tantra. I am not a writer but have made an attempt to introduce the true face of Tantra. Readers will get to know about Tantra and what it entails to be a Tantric.

IG: Any plans for sequel of this book?

Have not thought about it.

IG: Don’t you think it was being a little ambitious to choose a controversial subject like Tantra for your debut book?

As I have mentioned that this book comes from the fact that I am a student of Tantra and practicing this controversial subject!! I think it would have been ambitious if I would have attempted a book on some other subject!!

IG: Share some of your interesting memories you lived while writing this book.

There were days when I read what I had written after a few days and in disbelief wondered; wow I have been able to articulate this. Then there were days when I would wonder, is this the trash I had churned out after so many hours of writing and then delete it.

IG: What or who was your biggest inspiration behind this book?

My Guruji “Baba Batuknathji” and my vidya “Tantra”

IG: How do you make sure the information used in your books is accurate and up-to-date?

It is practice based as there are no manuals for a path like this. It is passed from a Guru to a shisya (disciple).

IG: What’s the biggest mistake new writers make according to you?

I really don’t think there is any fixed recipe to write a book .If a book is received well by the readers all mistakes are overlooked. If it does not do well, we have made mistakes that cannot be overlooked, so it’s about how well the readers accept the book!!

IG: How do you feel when someone disagrees with something you say or have written?

Everyone has a right to their perception and it does not bother me. As said by Gary Zukav “What is behind your eyes holds more power than what is in front of them.”

IG: What is your biggest strength when it comes to writing?

In the book that I have written I think simple and easy writing is being appreciated a lot. The Tantric Curse was written with the idea to introduce truths of Tantra to a common person.

IG: What are some things you like to do when you’re not writing?

I conduct experiential programs based on wellness like stress management, positive thinking etc and spend time at my Guruji’s ashram. To know more about my work , one can visit (www.lifebychoice.net).I am not a regular writer but I do like to read. I enjoy travelling, dancing, spending time with family and friends.

IG: Tell us something about your future projects. Are you writing anything at the moment?

I am continuing with programs that I conduct and presently I am not writing.

IG: What do you think about the writing industry these days? Do you think becoming a full-time writer is an advisable option?

Often successful writing careers are built over many years. Is one prepared for the long haul, is what one has to decide. Everyone’s situation is different. One needs to have adequate financial resources to become a full time writer. Writing is an individual endeavour, and doing it full time can leave one feeling isolated. It is also important to impose self discipline and have support from the family members. Keeping all this in mind one can decide.

IG: Any tips for budding writers? 

I really don’t think that there are any laws for writing. As Ernest Hemingway has said “All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”However I do recommend reading and also reading on subjects beyond what is one’s comfort zone.

IG: What are the roles of an editor and a reviewer in the success of book according to you?

The editor aids in refining the work and a reviewer in generating awareness and encouraging people to read through their reviews hence they play significant roles in the success of a book.

IG: How does it feel to be interviewed by me? *basically the interviewer wishes to hear praises* especially when we share surnames**haha*

Mrs Garg loves the question posed by Ms Garg!! Thank you for this opportunity which has allowed me to express what I wish to bring forth to people.

Wow! So we have come to an end of this awesome session.


On an amavasya night, eight-year-old Rhea mysteriously lands at the doors of Shaktidham, a Tantric house of worship, in a trance. Realizing that she is blessed with unusual faculties, the guru of Shaktidham, Satya, chooses her as a disciple over his own son, Krishnam, to carry on his lineage, a privilege previously bestowed only to males. But the lineage has been cursed for generations, and it is up to Rhea to either break the curse or perish in the attempt.
Will she succeed in her endeavour? Will her love for Krishnam become an obstacle in her path? The Tantric Curse, an unusual story set in the world of Tantra that aims to dispel most of the myths about the practice, will keep you spellbound till the very last page.

Buying Link: Amazon

Readers, let’s get familiar with the unknown subject of Tantra and understand what is black or white magic. Next time think before you visit a so called Tantric for any of your problems. Do share your feedback with me once you read The Tantric Curse.

Happy Reading!