
Monday, October 10, 2016

Breaking Free - Book Review

Breaking Free
By Neha Nayak
Review By Ila Garg

Breaking Free, a novel by Neha Nayak, is published by Srishti Publishers and Distributors. The cover is so apt which depicts a girl behind the wooden boundary, as if a she is a captive. With such an interesting cover, I was sure it would not disappoint me.

Neha Nayak is a young Indian writer who started her career as an engineer. After completing her graduation in an engineering domain, she discovered that she still has a passion for writing which forced her to become an author. Apart from being a story teller, a dreamer and a speaker, she currently works as a senior Quality Assurance manager in a Tata group organization.

Breaking Free is her literary debut.

The blurb reads as, “The book, ‘Breaking Free’ is a contemporary novel that revolves around a young girl who faces the bitter truths of life and accepts it as her fate, whilst still mustering the courage to fall in love once again. Written by Neha Nayak with a powerful narration and an engaging storyline, this book can be deemed as a fascinating tale of love which will keep the readers hooked till the last page. On another angle, the author describes the issues and difficulties faced by young women and their dilemma. This book was published by Srishti Publishers & Distributors in 2016.
Noya is a young woman who is full of life and is not scared to take her own decisions. She believes in leading a happy life and strongly believes that a happy life comes with bold decisions. Following her ideals, she takes the biggest decision of her life yet - calling off her wedding on the wedding day itself!
This decision turns her life upside down as the people close to her are busy refuting her at every step. Fed up of this negativity, she decides to reboot herself and travel alone. And this marked the beginning of a journey that will once again change the course of her life. On this journey, she meets Ranbir; a meeting which is not intentional but destined. In the beginning, Ranbir comes off as a stalker. However, with time she starts to realize the goodness inside him and slowly but surely, gets attached to him. Standing at the crossroads again, she takes another bold decision to marry Ranbir. Will this finally bring happiness in her life? Noya doesn’t know much about the past of Ranbir as they've just recently met. Will this come back to haunt her later on? Is this another trap? A gripping tale of love, respect and hope, the novel answers all these questions.”

Breaking Free is a heart-breaking love story of Noya, who is the protagonist of this book. She took a pilgrimage trip to overcome the heart-break and wipe out the memories from her past. But this trip turned out to be more than just an escape from the matters of love and heartbreak.

Noya falls for a guy named Ranbir. But was it that simple? No, it had more to it. Beginning as a typical Bollywood romance, at first, Noya and Ranbir could not even see each other eye to eye. Noya meets Ranbir on this trip and takes him for a stalker at first. Then a friendship between the two led to some other feelings.

Thus more twists and turns come up in the journey. The lucidity of the story is commendable. Neha Nayak has done a good job as a debutant. The language is kept simple and easy to comprehend for the readers. The only thing that could have been better is maybe she could have added more thrills or something original, offbeat. It had too much of Bollywood in it.

How Noya decided to take up the pilgrimage trip, was it successful, was meeting Ranbir proved good for her, did they fall in love actually, did Noya finally have a happy ending are some of the many reasons why you will keep turning the pages to find out what happens in Breaking Free.

It’s a light read, especially during travel it can be a good companion. I wish Neha Nayak all the best for her future endeavours.

Ratings: 3.5/5

Buying Links: Amazon | Infibeam | Flipkart

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