
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Confused Bastards - Book Review

Confused Bastards
By Manav Vigg
Review By Ila Garg

Confused Bastards, a novel by Manav Vigg, is published by Srishti Publishers and Distributors. The cover seems quite unusual at first glance! But if you look closely, you will realise how confusion always exists in our mind and thus the maze inside the brain form an apt cover for this book. I also loved the font used for ‘confused’ showing the caricatures of 3 guys—seems like a story of 3 men who happen to be confused.

Manav Vigg wants to live in a world where there’s freedom to express, easy-going fun friends and a force field that protects the nerds and zany fellows from the cool dudes. As a star gazer, chartered accountant, screenwriter and novelist, he’s walking the tight rope of creative type and office workaholic. Having worked with large corporate companies where polite suffocation is a way of life, his characters stand out, for they speak out loud.

The blurb reads as, “What happens when three entrepreneurs initiate a start-up which shocks the nation? 
Aakash, Jai and Vivek are mostly usual in their ways, except for some. Struggling with their own inner conflicts as well as the cruel world outside, they decide to show the world their true potential. To make it big. But how? They become the voice of the nation by starting up an online platform where people can upload unabashed, unapologetic videos, venting out their angst against people, politics, bosses, lovers, taboos, or just about anything. Even the founders themselves. 
The platform spreads like wild fire. But when has fire doused without burning a few! 
Confused Bastards is not just a witty, gritty, fast-paced journey of three friends, it’s also an intolerant story for a tolerant country!”

Today’s generation is being ruled by a start-up culture and thus, coming up with a book that talks about start-ups is indeed a good idea. The story comes as an inspiration for the youth who are tormented by the age-old question of choosing a career for themselves. Start-ups seem to be respite as they offer a lot to experiment.

So the story is about three friends (that we can also infer from the cover and the blurb), Aakash, Jai and Vivek, who want to make it big by establishing their own successful business. Like no two fingers are alike, these three friends have different opinions and approaches, but share a strong friendship. This characterisation truly resembles today’s generation that is confused but still nurture big dreams.

The language is simple and easy to comprehend. Its lucidity makes it a good read. I found the subject quite engaging. There was a newness in the plot and the dialogues are simply amazing! The subject is tackled in detail by the author. The use of Hindi language in between was a put off and should have been avoided.

How the three friends went after their dreams, how the idea of start-up proved for them, were the differing opinions a hurdle in their path, how they dealt with the problems of the start-up culture are some of the many reasons why you will keep turning the pages to find out what happens in Confused Bastards.

Further, this 224-page book is a light read and can be a good travelling companion.

Ratings: 3/5

Buying Links: Amazon | Infibeam | Sapna | Flipkart


  1. the book title is very confusing that i would not like to pick it... but nice review dear

    1. Thanks dear. If you read the first para again, you will be able to comprehend the title :)
