
Monday, November 13, 2017

Singapore Under Attack - Book Review

Singapore Under Attack
By Uzi Ellam
Review By Ila Garg

Singapore Under Attack, a novel by Uzi Ellam, is published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. The cover is so apt. The men with guns represent some shooters and can be the attackers. Backdrop shows the city of Singapore. With such an interesting cover, I was sure it would not disappoint me.

Uzi Eilam was born in Israel in 1934. From an early age he excelled in mathematics, physics, and playing the trumpet, which he continues to this day. Eilam has always had a natural ability to lead, using charisma and personal charm. He was one of the first fighters in the paratroopers, once an elite unit of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), and considered a legend.
For his courage and resourcefulness during the Black Arrow Operation in Gaza in 1955, Eilam, who was then a young lieutenant, received an award for bravery from the Chief of General Staff. In the 1967 Six Day War, Eilam fought as a paratrooper battalion commander in Jerusalem and was among the first to enter the Old City and reach the Western Wall with his soldiers.
Uzi Eilam is a Technion graduate in mechanical engineering (B.Sc) and Operations Research (M.Sc). He completed his studies in business administration and systems analysis at Stanford University, California. In 1973, General Eilam was appointed head of the IDF Unit for Research and Development, and in the Yom Kippur War served in the General Headquarters’ decision-making center. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin appointed General Eilam Director General of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, where he served for ten years. In his next position General Eilam served for twelve years as head of the Defense, Research, and Development Authority of the Ministry of Defense and its Chief Scientist.
General Eilam completed his service to the State of Israel in Paris as head of the Defense Ministry delegation to Europe. In 2002 he was awarded the Israel Defense Prize for Lifetime Achievement.
When he retired from public service, General Uzi Eilam began to pen books of suspense and espionage rather than taking all those state secrets “to the grave”. He writes fictional works that are intricately connected to technological realities and the threat of global terrorism.

The blurb reads as, “Gideon Ben Ari is called to battle the terrifying depravity of Iranian cyber-terror. Dr. Gideon Ben Ari, a brilliant specialist in advanced technology, is called upon by the Israeli Mossad to combat a highly sophisticated, malevolent cyber attack planned by the Iranians in Singapore to target the Israeli and American embassies and then a multifocal chain of worldwide terror. The novel provides a rare peek into the Iranian decision-making process, replete with fascinating, volatile internal power struggles.
Can Gideon arm his global task force with the keys to diffuse the malicious attacks?
Gideon must come up with futuristic technological solutions, developed in real time, to be put into effect immediately by an international task force. His rich combat experience as an Israeli Army commander also comes into play. The highest ranks in Singapore, including strong, influential women in the fields of economy and government, give Gideon their full support in this tale of love, lust, the whims of the human spirit, and the war of good against evil.
Additional books in this series: In The California Triangle Gideon finds himself involved in an American espionage affair that includes the FBI, Mossad, and groups interested in overturning the Iranian government. In Trapped in Paris the war against terrorism and development of nuclear missiles by the Iranians reaches Europe, and Gideon is once again enlisted for the challenge.

Falling under the genre of a thriller, Uzi Ellam’s Singapore Under Attack is an intense tale where the latest technological discoveries play a major role. Gideon Ben Ari is the protagonist and a glimpse of the plot can be deciphered from the blurb itself where it is revealed that Gideon who is a brilliant specialist in advanced technology is called to battle the terrifying depravity of Iranian cyver-terror. Iranians have cyberattacked in Singapore, which leads to a worldwide threat. So with the highest ranks in Singapore, including strong, influential women in the fields of economy and government giving him full support, will Gideon be able to combat it?

It’s a totally unputdownable book. The language is amazing and kept simple and easy to comprehend for the readers. From the first line of the book I was in awe! The lucidity of the story is commendable. The details put in the book are enthralling. The cyber terrorism is now quite prevelent with the latest technology coming into play, this will help the readers connect with the story better too.

Who is Gideon, why have the Iranians planned the cyber attack in Singapore, how it becomes a worldwide terror, what help does Gideon gets, will Gideon be able to combat it, who wins in this war of good against evil are some of the many reasons why you will keep turning the pages to find out what happens in Singapore Under Attack.

This 418-page book is a quick read, despite the length as the flow is such. It’s compelling and captivating. I was hooked till the end. A good read after so long.

Ratings: 4/5

Buying Link: Amazon

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