
Monday, January 15, 2018

A Life to Die For - Book Review

A Life to Die For
By Nilay Shah
Review By Ila Garg

A Life to Die For, a novel by Nilay Shah, is published by Zorba Books. The cover totally grabbed my attention. The amazing use of shades from red to orange to yellow is amazingly spectacular. Somehow the book seems a thriller; red symbolising death.

Nilay Shah, born in 1994, he is an author of Asammat, a Gujarati novel published in July, 2016. For Nilay, the exact point when the passion to write took over is difficult to tell. Ever since early childhood he has loved creating tales out of anything that came his way.

Having written his first story at the age of 6, Nilay went on to write short stories, direct short films and plays before penning down his debut novel Asammat in 2014, at the tender age of 19 while simultaneously pursuing Chartered Accountancy and graduation. Once he was done with his studies in 2015, he made attempts to publish his book, and then penned down the English version of the same tale­—A Life to Die For.

At present, he is laying down the structure for his second novel, to be originally written in English and Gujarati. Nilay is determined to create things that can stand apart from the rest, that can create a place of their own in the hearts [as well as minds] of recipients.

The blurb reads as, “She doesn't know who she is.' The diverse voices emanating from all the corners of Kashwarg are blending into a consensus to create a tune never opined before, 'Nor does she realise yet what her Baba has caused her to be a victim of.' 'But, she will.' 'One day, she will adopt this world now a stranger to her as hers.' 'The whole of Kashwarg will be the light on her path to her freedom.' 'Kashwarg will be ready to be at disagreement with anything there can be, if that is what is demanded of it in this quest to bring her justice.'

'But, what if time comes, when truth unveils itself and there remains nothing to fear but one's own self?' 'Will Kashwarg be able to protect its stand at such dawn of darkness?'

Will you be able to protect your opinions from your own self?

Set in 2034, a future era and a fictional place called Kashwarg which is a conflict-prone city, the opening scene of the book is quite captivating where someone finds a girl who is brutally beaten up and is looking for ‘prince’. Nobody knows who this girl is or who is she looking for. In fact, she herself is unable to explain much. Apparently, the ‘prince’ had rescued her from the monster who had kept her imprisoned all her life. Naturally, the sudden exposure to civilisation overwhelmes her and she finds herself out of place.

It is then that the entire town of Kashwarg comes forward in her support. A special investigation committee is formed to probe into the case and find and arrest the culprit. ‘Justice to Preksha’ becomes a rage! Chief minister Adil Kifayat does all in his might to ensure that the girl gets her justice.

The story then moves in the past as the unrest within the town rises. The language is simple, lucid and easy to comprehend. Some of the readers can find it a little dragging in places. Further, this 344-page book is a book based on too many unreal things, thereby, losing its grip. The focus goes haywire as the story keeps wandering between the past and present and makes it difficult for the readers to establish a connect.

Ratings: 3/5

Buying Link: Amazon

This (Unbiased) book review is a part of "The Readers Cosmos Book Review Program". To get free books log on to thereaderscosmos.blogspot.com. Thanks Nimi Vashi for giving me the opportunity to read such a nice book!

1 comment:

  1. I am extraordinarily affected beside your writing talents, Thanks for this nice share.
