Sunday, July 28, 2013

Madhusala - Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan

One of my all time favourite poems by Dr. Harivansh Rai Bachchan.

मृदु भावों के अंगूरों की आज बना लाया हाला,
प्रियतम, अपने ही हाथों से आज पिलाऊँगा प्याला,
पहले भोग लगा लूँ तेरा, फ़िर प्रसाद जग पाएगा,
सबसे पहले तेरा स्वागत, करती मेरी मधुशाला. १

प्यास तुझे तो, विश्व तपाकर पूणर् निकालूँगा हाला,
एक पाँव से साकी बनकर नाचूँगा लेकर प्याला,
जीवन की मधुता तो तेरे ऊपर कब का वार चुका,
आज निछावर कर दूँगा मैं, तुझपर जग की मधुशाला. २

भावुकता अंगूर लता से खींच कल्पना की हाला,
कवि साकी बनकर आया है भरकर कविता का प्याला,
कभी न कण- भर ख़ाली होगा लाख पिएँ, दो लाख पिएँ!
पाठकगण हैं पीनेवाले, पुस्तक मेरी मधुशाला. ३

मदिरालय जाने को घर से चलता है पीनेवाला,
' किस पथ से जाऊँ? ' असमंजस में है वह भोलाभाला,
अलग- अलग पथ बतलाते सब, पर मैं यह बतलाता हूँ -
' राह पकड़ तू एक चला चल, पा जाएगा मधुशाला.' ४

चलने ही चलने में कितना जीवन, हाय, बिता डाला!
' दूर अभी है ' , पर, कहता है हर पथ बतलानेवाला,
हिम्मत है न बढ़ूँ आगे, साहस है न फ़िरूँ पीछे,
किंकतर्व्यविमूढ़ मुझे कर दूर खड़ी है मधुशाला. ५

मुख से तू अविरत कहता जा मधु, मदिरा, मादक हाला,
हाथों में अनुभव करता जा एक ललित कल्पित प्याला,
ध्यान किए जा मन में सुमधुर सुखकर, सुंदर साकी का,
और बढ़ा चल, पथिक, न तुझको दूर लगेगी मधुशाला. ६

मदिरा पीने की अभिलाषा ही बन जाए जब हाला,
अधरों की आतुरता में ही जब आभासित हो प्याला,
बने ध्यान ही करते- करते जब साकी साकार, सखे,
रहे न हाला, प्याला साकी, तुझे मिलेगी मधुशाला. ७

हाथों में आने से पहले नाज़ दिखाएगा प्याला,
अधरों पर आने से पहले अदा दिखाएगी हाला,
बहुतेरे इनकार करेगा साकी आने से पहले,
पथिक, न घबरा जाना, पहले मान करेगी मधुशाला. ८

लाल सुरा की धार लपट सी कह न इसे देना ज्वाला,
फ़ेनिल मदिरा है, मत इसको कह देना उर का छाला,
ददर् नशा है इस मदिरा का विगतस्मृतियाँ साकी हैं,
पीड़ा में आनंद जिसे हो, आये मेरी मधुशाला. ९

लालायित अधरों से जिसने, हाय, नहीं चूमी हाला,
हषर्- विकंपित कर से जिसने हा, न छुआ मधु का प्याला,
हाथ पकड़ लज्जित साकी का पास नहीं जिसने खींचा,
व्यर्थ सुखा डाली जीवन की उसने मधुमय मधुशाला. १०

नहीं जानता कौन, मनुज आया बनकर पीनेवाला,
कौन अपरिचित उस साकी से जिसने दूध पिला पाला,
जीवन पाकर मानव पीकर मस्त रहे, इस कारण ही,
जग में आकर सवसे पहले पाई उसने मधुशाला. ११

सूयर् बने मधु का विक्रेता, सिंधु बने घट, जल, हाला,
बादल बन- बन आए साकी, भूमि बने मधु का प्याला,
झड़ी लगाकर बरसे मदिरा रिमझिम, रिमझिम, रिमझिम कर,
बेलि, विटप, तृण बन मैं पीऊँ, वर्षा ऋतु हो मधुशाला. १२

अधरों पर हो कोई भी रस जिह्वा पर लगती हाला,
भाजन हो कोई हाथों में लगता रक्खा है प्याला,
हर सूरत साकी की सूरत में परिवतिर्त हो जाती,
आँखों के आगे हो कुछ भी, आँखों में है मधुशाला. १३

साकी बन आती है प्रातः जब अरुणा ऊषा बाला,
तारक- मणि- मंडित चादर दे मोल धरा लेती हाला,
अगणित कर- किरणों से जिसको पी, खग पागल हो गाते,
प्रति प्रभात में पूणर् प्रकृति में मुखरित होती मधुशाला. १४

साकी बन मुरली आई साथ लिए कर में प्याला,
जिनमें वह छलकाती लाई अधर- सुधा- रस की हाला,
योगिराज कर संगत उसकी नटवर नागर कहलाए,
देखो कैसें- कैसों को है नाच नचाती मधुशाला. १५

वादक बन मधु का विक्रेता लाया सुर- सुमधुर- हाला,
रागिनियाँ बन साकी आई भरकर तारों का प्याला,
विक्रेता के संकेतों पर दौड़ लयों, आलापों में,
पान कराती श्रोतागण को, झंकृत वीणा मधुशाला. १६

चित्रकार बन साकी आता लेकर तूली का प्याला,
जिसमें भरकर पान कराता वह बहु रस- रंगी हाला,
मन के चित्र जिसे पी- पीकर रंग- बिरंग हो जाते,
चित्रपटी पर नाच रही है एक मनोहर मधुशाला. १७

हिम श्रेणी अंगूर लता- सी फ़ैली, हिम जल है हाला,
चंचल नदियाँ साकी बनकर, भरकर लहरों का प्याला,
कोमल कूर- करों में अपने छलकाती निशिदिन चलतीं,
पीकर खेत खड़े लहराते, भारत पावन मधुशाला. १८

आज मिला अवसर, तब फ़िर क्यों मैं न छकूँ जी- भर हाला
आज मिला मौका, तब फ़िर क्यों ढाल न लूँ जी- भर प्याला,
छेड़छाड़ अपने साकी से आज न क्यों जी- भर कर लूँ,
एक बार ही तो मिलनी है जीवन की यह मधुशाला. १९

दो दिन ही मधु मुझे पिलाकर ऊब उठी साकीबाला,
भरकर अब खिसका देती है वह मेरे आगे प्याला,
नाज़, अदा, अंदाजों से अब, हाय पिलाना दूर हुआ,
अब तो कर देती है केवल फ़ज़र् - अदाई मधुशाला. २०

छोटे- से जीवन में कितना प्यार करूँ, पी लूँ हाला,
आने के ही साथ जगत में कहलाया ' जानेवाला' ,
स्वागत के ही साथ विदा की होती देखी तैयारी,
बंद लगी होने खुलते ही मेरी जीवन- मधुशाला. २१

क्या पीना, निद्वर्न्द्व  न जब तक ढाला प्यालों पर प्याला,
क्या जीना, निरिंचत न जब तक साथ रहे साकीबाला,
खोने का भय, हाय, लगा है पाने के सुख के पीछे,
मिलने का आनंद न देती मिलकर के भी मधुशाला. २२

मुझे पिलाने को लाए हो इतनी थोड़ी- सी हाला!
मुझे दिखाने को लाए हो एक यही छिछला प्याला!
इतनी पी जीने से अच्छा सागर की ले प्यास मरूँ,
सिंधु- तृषा दी किसने रचकर बिंदु- बराबर मधुशाला. २३

क्षीण, क्षुद्र, क्षणभंगुर, दुबर्ल मानव मिट्टी का प्याला,
भरी हुई है जिसके अंदर कटु- मधु जीवन की हाला,
मृत्यु बनी है निदर्य साकी अपने शत- शत कर फ़ैला,
काल प्रबल है पीनेवाला, संसृति है यह मधुशाला. २४

यम आयेगा साकी बनकर साथ लिए काली हाला,
पी न होश में फ़िर आएगा सुरा- विसुध यह मतवाला,
यह अंतिम बेहोशी, अंतिम साकी, अंतिम प्याला है,
पथिक, प्यार से पीना इसको फ़िर न मिलेगी मधुशाला. २५

शांत सकी हो अब तक, साकी, पीकर किस उर की ज्वाला,
' और, और' की रटन लगाता जाता हर पीनेवाला,
कितनी इच्छाएँ हर जानेवाला छोड़ यहाँ जाता!
कितने अरमानों की बनकर कब्र खड़ी है मधुशाला. २६

जो हाला मैं चाह रहा था, वह न मिली मुझको हाला,
जो प्याला मैं माँग रहा था, वह न मिला मुझको प्याला,
जिस साकी के पीछे मैं था दीवाना, न मिला साकी,
जिसके पीछे था मैं पागल, हा न मिली वह मधुशाला! २७

देख रहा हूँ अपने आगे कब से माणिक- सी हाला,
देख रहा हूँ अपने आगे कब से कंचन का प्याला,
' बस अब पाया! ' - कह- कह कब से दौड़ रहा इसके पीछे,
किंतु रही है दूर क्षितिज- सी मुझसे मेरी मधुशाला. २८

हाथों में आने- आने में, हाय, फ़िसल जाता प्याला,
अधरों पर आने- आने में हाय, ढलक जाती हाला,
दुनियावालो, आकर मेरी किस्मत की ख़ूबी देखो,
रह- रह जाती है बस मुझको मिलते- मिलते मधुशाला. २९

प्राप्य नही है तो, हो जाती लुप्त नहीं फ़िर क्यों हाला,
प्राप्य नही है तो, हो जाता लुप्त नहीं फ़िर क्यों प्याला,
दूर न इतनी हिम्मत हारूँ, पास न इतनी पा जाऊँ,
व्यर्थ मुझे दौड़ाती मरु में मृगजल बनकर मधुशाला. ३०

मदिरालय में कब से बैठा, पी न सका अब तक हाला,
यत्न सहित भरता हूँ, कोई किंतु उलट देता प्याला,
मानव- बल के आगे निबर्ल भाग्य, सुना विद्यालय में,
' भाग्य प्रबल, मानव निर्बल' का पाठ पढ़ाती मधुशाला. ३१

उस प्याले से प्यार मुझे जो दूर हथेली से प्याला,
उस हाला से चाव मुझे जो दूर अधर से है हाला,
प्यार नहीं पा जाने में है, पाने के अरमानों में!
पा जाता तब, हाय, न इतनी प्यारी लगती मधुशाला. ३२

मद, मदिरा, मधु, हाला सुन- सुन कर ही जब हूँ मतवाला,
क्या गति होगी अधरों के जब नीचे आएगा प्याला,
साकी, मेरे पास न आना मैं पागल हो जाऊँगा,
प्यासा ही मैं मस्त, मुबारक हो तुमको ही मधुशाला. ३३

क्या मुझको आवश्यकता है साकी से माँगूँ हाला,
क्या मुझको आवश्यकता है साकी से चाहूँ प्याला,
पीकर मदिरा मस्त हुआ तो प्यार किया क्या मदिरा से!
मैं तो पागल हो उठता हूँ सुन लेता यदि मधुशाला. ३४

एक समय संतुष्ट बहुत था पा मैं थोड़ी- सी हाला,
भोला- सा था मेरा साकी, छोटा- सा मेरा प्याला,
छोटे- से इस जग की मेरे स्वगर् बलाएँ लेता था,
विस्तृत जग में, हाय, गई खो मेरी नन्ही मधुशाला! ३५

मैं मदिरालय के अंदर हूँ, मेरे हाथों में प्याला,
प्याले में मदिरालय बिंबित करनेवाली है हाला,
इस उधेड़- बुन में ही मेरा सारा जीवन बीत गया -
मैं मधुशाला के अंदर या मेरे अंदर मधुशाला! ३६

किसे नहीं पीने से नाता, किसे नहीं भाता प्याला,
इस जगती के मदिरालय में तरह- तरह की है हाला,
अपनी- अपनी इच्छा के अनुसार सभी पी मदमाते,
एक सभी का मादक साकी, एक सभी की मधुशाला. ३७

वह हाला, कर शांत सके जो मेरे अंतर की ज्वाला,
जिसमें मैं बिंबित- प्रतिबिंबित प्रतिपल, वह मेरा प्याला,
मधुशाला वह नहीं जहाँ पर मदिरा बेची जाती है,
भेंट जहाँ मस्ती की मिलती मेरी तो वह मधुशाला. ३८

मतवालापन हाला से ले मैंने तज दी है हाला,
पागलपन लेकर प्याले से, मैंने त्याग दिया प्याला,
साकी से मिल, साकी में मिल अपनापन मैं भूल गया,
मिल मधुशाला की मधुता में भूल गया मैं मधुशाला. ३९

कहाँ गया वह स्वगिर्क साकी, कहाँ गयी सुरभित हाला,
कहाँ गया स्वपनिल मदिरालय, कहाँ गया स्वणिर्म प्याला!
पीनेवालों ने मदिरा का मूल्य, हाय, कब पहचाना?
फ़ूट चुका जब मधु का प्याला, टूट चुकी जब मधुशाला. ४०

अपने युग में सबको अनुपम ज्ञात हुई अपनी हाला,
अपने युग में सबको अद्भुत ज्ञात हुआ अपना प्याला,
फ़िर भी वृद्धों से जब पूछा एक यही उत्तर पाया -
अब न रहे वे पीनेवाले, अब न रही वह मधुशाला! ४१

कितने ममर् जता जानी है बार- बार आकर हाला,
कितने भेद बता जाता है बार- बार आकर प्याला,
कितने अथोर् को संकेतों से बतला जाता साकी,
फ़िर भी पीनेवालों को है एक पहेली मधुशाला. ४२

जितनी दिल की गहराई हो उतना गहरा है प्याला,
जितनी मन की मादकता हो उतनी मादक है हाला,
जितनी उर की भावुकता हो उतना सुन्दर साकी है,
जितना ही जो रसिक, उसे है उतनी रसमय मधुशाला. ४३

मेरी हाला में सबने पाई अपनी- अपनी हाला,
मेरे प्याले में सबने पाया अपना- अपना प्याला,
मेरे साकी में सबने अपना प्यारा साकी देखा,
जिसकी जैसी रूचि थी उसने वैसी देखी मधुशाला. ४४

यह मदिरालय के आँसू हैं, नहीं- नहीं मादक हाला,
यह मदिरालय की आँखें हैं, नहीं- नहीं मधु का प्याला,
किसी समय की सुखदस्मृति है साकी बनकर नाच रही,
नहीं- नहीं कवि का हृदयांगण, यह विरहाकुल मधुशाला. ४५

कुचल हसरतें कितनी अपनी, हाय, बना पाया हाला,
कितने अरमानों को करके ख़ाक बना पाया प्याला!
पी पीनेवाले चल देंगे, हाय, न कोई जानेगा,
कितने मन के महल ढहे तब खड़ी हुई यह मधुशाला! ४६

विश्व तुम्हारे विषमय जीवन में ला पाएगी हाला
यदि थोड़ी- सी भी यह मेरी मदमाती साकीबाला,
शून्य तुम्हारी घड़ियाँ कुछ भी यदि यह गुंजित कर पाई,
जन्म सफ़ल समझेगी जग में अपना मेरी मधुशाला. ४७

बड़े- बड़े नाज़ों से मैंने पाली है साकीबाला,
कलित कल्पना का ही इसने सदा उठाया है प्याला,
मान- दुलारों से ही रखना इस मेरी सुकुमारी को,
विश्व, तुम्हारे हाथों में अब सौंप रहा हूँ मधुशाला. ४८


I won't insult everybody by trying to defend myself or my actions.

So, I think it's safe to say that I've really messed up.

And I apologise profusely. But I'm also so grateful to you all.

I tried really hard to get out of this world,

and only now do I realise just how much I want to stay.

I've learnt so much being here. Being with all of you.

And in some ways being with my soul mate,

who I found out was actually always there for me.

I've had a hole in my heart for four years,

and somehow being here with you all, it slowly started to heal.

I know I may have looked like a brat, a kinda California girl,

but in my heart I've discovered that I really am a nice person, a special girl.

(Edited dialogue from a movie)

A new day has come, and so from on I am discovering a new me! 

Day 0 - A new me is finally born in this varied world. Exploration begins now onwards. My bad bad girl days are almost over. Watch me play, watch me sing, watch me dance, watch me love, watch me laugh, meet the girl who took a new road to start afresh. Holla Amigos! The fun has just begin. Good luck!

Ila :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Just You..Just Me!

Lets make it simple again,
Just You..Just Me.
Complexity gives stress,
Ruins the love between us.
Mistakes keep popping in,
Deterring our undeterred love.

The distance between us,
Keeps widening unnecessarily.
We know in our hearts of hearts,
That we can't let each other go.
Still we keep fighting.
Crying, explaining, listening.

Lets make it simple again,
Just You..Just Me.
Giving up is very easy,
Holding on is what requires courage.
For once, let trust win,
And let us start afresh.

We can begin again,
On a much happier note.
Just be with me, hold my hand,
And I promise I won't let you down.
A day will come when,
You'll be proud of me, proud of 'us'.

Lets make it simple again,
Just You..Just Me.
Let the wild cats be tamed,
Let the madness be calmed.
Let the love prevail,
Let the betrayal take a back seat.

Lets make it simple again,
Just You..Just Me.
Having a laugh over a cup of coffee,
In a blanklet on a rainy day!

Just You..Just Me! :)

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Sitting besides the window,
On a fresh new rainy day.
I think of you and I think of me,
And all that passed between us.
I delve into the past a little deeper,
Trying to remember some delusional details.
All I could reflect on was 'love'.
Love beyond anything and everything.
Love that remained undeterred so far!
You may have accused me of many things,
But I still firmly believe I was true to you.
Truely, madly, and deeply, in love with you.
Never even in my dreams I deceived you.
Still I guess for once, others are right,
You must not hold on to me so tight.
Live, like you always did,
Before we met on that Doom's Day!
So many more days, and nights,
Are still left to eagerly come in your life.
You have to live to see the beauty around you,
Beauty of life, as it unwinds itself.
For at times, you have to let go,
Of things and people, who are injurious!
So lets bid a 'goodbye' here, before it's late,
Before we can hurt each other anymore!
This would be enough for a lifetime,
I have your memories, you have mine.
Move on, meet people, find your happiness,
Don't you ever forget, Life is beautiful.
Live, Laugh, Love...

P.S. - I love you. Always have, Always will.

Let things be!

Sometimes you should just let things be,
Don't try to solve them, don't entangle.
You will end up messing it more.
Stay calm and let things sort out;
All by themselves, don't interfere.
God may not always like your involvement.
Just have faith in Him and move on.
Keep your head held high with grace,
You may be wrong, a sinner, a criminal,
But when the realization dawns,
A new birth takes place, of a saint in you.
Yes you turn into a saint from sinner;
The moment you start doing good.
Remember, there always comes day light,
After the devilish darkness of the deadly night.
And thats when all your sins get washed off.
Things start getting on the right track,
When you stop looking into the past all the time.
The frown on your face slowly changes into smile.
You are no longer sad and gloomy.
All it requires is trust, faith, and goodness.
Firmly believe in yourself and the good;
That is hidden beneath you, in your heart.
And keep doing good whenever you can,
Stop hiding, stop worrying,
'coz you deserve to be happy!
Burn out your past and begin a new present,
With an eye on a better future, on a clean slate!
Sometimes you should just let things be...

P.S. - Forgive me Father for I have sinned!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I detest, I drown, I delve within,
I try and try to climb up.
But every time I just fall.
It hurts, makes me cry in pain.
But I keep moving on.
Fighting my instincts, shuddering,
I keep going against all odds.
My wings are cut now, I lay still,
I am caged, disrupted from my path,
Vehemently, I cringe, I feel hollow,
Dusk to dawn, I shed enormous tears,

And then stand and fall again.
I am trapped yet I stay strong,
Power of thoughts keep me going on.
Hurdles interrupt my imagination,
And I feel so lost, so misguided,
I wish to be found now.
Before I give up and breakdown,
Winds blowing, are turning into storms,
I desire to be saved now.
And reach a safe abode.
Ups and downs waver me,
I look up at the horizon,
And wish for you to come!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hum Tum : With a Twist!

Here comes a glimpse of I and He series, inspired by a friend. Compiled for the sake of a post. :P

He - Unconscious or conscious I always take your name. My world starts and ends with you.
I - (blushes) This is really sweet. I feel incredible.

He - Why do you love me so much?
I - 'coz you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and you make me feel like a princess.
He - *smiles*

I - U must b tired..wanna sleep?
He - Nopes, I want to talk to you. You energise and refresh me.
I - :) *speechless*

He - I am so happy with you.
I - I am more happy with you.
He - No I am more.
I - :/
*and the fight continues*

I - We should have met after 2 years.
He - Why? Whom do you want to flirt with in these 2 years?
I - Huh! 'coz now I have to wait for 2 years to marry you.
He - :D Well not exactly, I can marry you right now.
I - (after a long pause) Let it be, I was just joking!
He - :/

He - You heal my wounds, relax my impatient mind, you provide stability to my mind.
I - But I haven't done anything!
He - This is the truth.
I - Aww....

I - You created me. I am just a character from one of your stories.
He - No, we created 'us' and now writing our story!
I - :)

He - Life is beautiful. I have learnt this from you.
I - Really? (awestruck)
He - Just one smile of yours, makes me forget all my pain.
I - What? You okay? Are you in pain?
He - No love. I am in love. You are the reason of everyone's happiness.
I - :D

He - There is just one most important thing that I want to say to you.
I - (attentive) Which is?
He - If you have ever done anything wrong in your past which you are afraid to confess in front of me, just forget it. Set fire to your past. I really don't care about your past. My love is beyond all this. Believe me, I won't let you go at any cost.
I - (blinking) You always leave me speechless.
He - Marry me.
I - I will, in 2 years.
He - Uff. I can't wait.
I - have to. I mean you should.
He - :(

To be continued....

Friday, July 19, 2013

Shades Of Sin: Behind the Mask - Book Review

Shades of Sin: Behind the Mask
An Anthology of 25 short stories
Review By Ila Garg

The anthology comprising of 25 remarkable short stories, Shades of Sin: Behind the Mask, has been published by APK Publishers which is a new but upcoming publishing house based in Pune. Its tagline: “By Writers. For Writers.” says it all. The mission of this Publishing House is simple: to help first-time writers get their work published.

The collection is penned down by six remarkable writers, Dr. Vivek Banerjee, Upneet Grover, Saksham Agrawal, Aanandita Chawla, Vrinda Baliga, & Sreelatha Chakravarty. Let’s have a glimpse of the profiles of these writers first:

Dr. Vivek Banerjee is a paediatrician by choice and a writer by chance. His works are published in Chicken Soup for the Indian Doctor’s Soul and Shades of Love. Also, The Long Road is his debut novel.

Upneet Grover is an engineer cum MBA, with a penchant for writing. His debut novel, The Dream, has recently hit the market.

Saksham Agrawal is a professional consultant and an amateur writer. He writes short stories and is working on a novel.

Aanandita Chawla is a journalist and aspiring filmmaker. In her spare time she reads, writes and plans to find a wonderful way to convert everything she writes directly into moving pictures.

Vrinda Baliga enjoys writing short fiction. Her short stories can be read in anthologies like City of Gods, Two is Company, Urban Shots, and Crossroads.

Sreelatha Chakravarty is a poet-writer-doctor. Her debut novel is titled, The Eternal Romantic.

The anthology, Shades of Sin: Behind the Mask, is a compilation of 25 beautifully written short stories by the above six writers. One thing that is clear from the title is that the theme is ‘Sin’. When we say sin, it does not reflect only murders, or rapes, but anything and everything under the sun that falls under the category of negative traits of a human being.

 It somehow traces around all the The seven deadly sins:

  1.       Haughty Eyes (Pride)
  2.       Lust
  3.       Gluttony
  4.       Wrath
  5.       Envy
  6.       Greed
  7.       Sloth

The 25 short stories are tied with a common thread binding them together which is the darker side of human nature. Various vices like presence of evil, materialism, and moral weakness are well placed in this anthology. The tone and subject both are appalling and leave you in awe.

Each story is instilled with sheer pain, vices, and brutality of human soul. Different hues of sins are portrayed efficiently. The language is bold and comprehensive. Details are also well written. On the whole, the collection is well compiled and stories are engrossing and gripping.

The cover of the anthology could have been a little better though. But all the same, it is nice. The 25 stories are divided into three sections: Light Grey, Dark Grey, and Black, according to the intensity of the sins that they hold within. The stories make you connect with the theme gradually as you continue reading them.

The stories reflect the social evils that exist around us and are prevalent. They are a mirror unto society. Life is short and we are making it shorter, and uglier. These stories shake you from within.

Some of the stories are so well written that you actually feel tad bit afraid after reading it. 

 Some of the stories that I personally liked are:

  1.        All the 7 stories written by Vivek Banerjee
  2.        All the 8 stories written by Upneet Grover
  3.        Dhaba – Saksham Agrawal
  4.        Three Lives – Aanandita Chawla

Rest of them are also beautifully penned down.

Rating: 3.5/5

Pool of Blood & Pain

I sit on the edge of a pool for hours,

Pool filled with blood, pain, and misery.
Am trapped in an invisible cage,
In worries am embedded.
Its like my soul is cringing, yelling in pain.
Lifeless, is what I feel mostly.
My body is becoming hollow gradually,
I hear voices, vehemently painful voices.
Blood, blood, blood,
Is all what I see.
Pain, pain, pain,
Is all what I feel.

Silence screams at me,
That feeling of nothingness grips me.
Faint sounds of laughter strike in my ears,
But alas, I have forgotten even to smile,
Let alone laugh. 
Unaccustomed pain has taken it all away.
The emptiness is closing on me now.
My life is a stand still, no joy.
Insomnia, is ruling. I can't even rest.
Yes, I am hurt, brutally hurt,
May be now am getting used to this pain.
I can't think of anything beyond this,
I am drowning in my own tears.

No air to breath, no desire to live,
Only a tortured soul resides within.
Death would be better than life,
But death doesn't come easy.
The pool keeps increasing in volumes,
Now I have reached right in the middle.
I wish I could reach the other side,
Before I can cross, I am forced to give up,
To surrender to the enormous pain,
And be so weak that I am unable to walk.
I am gradually becoming dizzy,
Numb, frozen, my mind and senses blocked.
Should I keep fighting in vain?
Should I be strong and tell someone?
Should I just be a slave to this harassment?
Should I surrender to this endless torture?
Should I kill myself before this pain kills me?
I guess yes! Dying would be much better after all.
At least I will catch on some peace at last.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dented & Painted : Book Review


Dented & Painted
By Tirupathi Khemka
Review By Ila Garg

The anthology comprising of 23 remarkable short stories, Dented & Painted, has been published by Notionpress which is a self-publishing firm. The collection penned down by the visionary author, Tirupathi Khemka, is a must read for all humans especially the Indian folks. The reason why am saying this is the mentality of Indian men that is depleting day by day. Dented & Painted is appalling in its tone and subject. It deals with some of the highly sensitive issues prevailing in our society at large.

Each story is instilled with sheer pain, miseries, & struggles. Different hues of women are portrayed efficiently. The language is bold and comprehensive. Details are also well written. On the whole, the collection is nicely compiled and stories are engrossing and have a power that grips you from within. 
As you continue reading these stories, you develop a strong sense of connection with the theme of feminism that is prevalent and also one feels that the author has poured his heart into these stories. Expressions from heart are always real and pure, same is the case here in Dented & Painted. 

‘Male chauvinist pigs’ are well-exposed. The mind blowing stories are an eye-opener and the narrative is quite strong. Sometimes the pace gets fast, though the emotions are well maintained. True reality is pictured which pinches you somewhere and shows you the mirror unto society. It depicts the cruelty of patriarchal society in which we continue to live. Dented & Painted leaves your eyes moist with tears and you feel how crippled you have become by letting others dominate you and decide things for you. 
The stories begin with the opening lines in italics which store in them the essence of the whole story and ends with question marks that leave your mind ticking. These life changing stories shake the insides of your soul. The author has made very interesting and keen observations before penning down each one of these wonderful pieces of writing.

Kudos to the writer for his brilliant attempt! He proved the power of a pen and the wonders that it can do. The cover of the collection is beautiful and attractive and makes you want to ‘Get, Set, and Go’ with the book immediately. 

Dented & Painted is a complete page turner. The complexities of women’s life, how they are tortured, subdued, and tormented, and how they fight back are narrated by the author. The fact that the stories are taken from real life amazes you. The female readers will share the pain, the grief, and will understand their power and may try to act in the right direction by stop letting the men rule their lives. The male readers might be able to see the other side and will try to become humans instead of beasts that they have become in reality.

The stories expose a wide horizon of themes from prostitution to rapes, women as victims to women as fighters, the sufferings of women to struggles of women, women as creators to the women as destructors, the divine to the not so divine women, and many more.

This book is recommended for masses for the major change that it aims at. 

Rating: 4.5/5

Ritu Lalit's Chakra: Chronicles of the Witch Way

Ritu Lalit’s third novel, Chakra, makes buzz during the pre-orders

The third novel of the well-known author and blogger, Ritu Lalit, is available for pre-order on leading book selling portals. Chakra: Chronicles of the Witch Way, in the words of Kunal Marathe, CEO of Author’s Empire India, is the most pre-ordered book of Author’s Empire Publications. The publishing company, which also has its own book marketing brand and is known for powerful book marketing, claims to have received 1400 plus pre-orders in last three days, since their books are available for pre-orders online.

Ritu Lalit already has two books under her belt. Bowlful of Butterflies, which was published by Rupa & Co and Hilawi by Popular Prakashan.

Ritu Lalit has always been fascinated with the world of fantasy and the world of intrigue that your grandmothers built for you during the childhood days. This is very much reflected into her books. Chakra: Chronicles of the Witch Way is a book that will take you to a whole new world of yoginis and magic. According to the bestselling author, Abha Iyengar, Chakra is a deftly woven tale of the power of awakened kundalinis, of evil chimeras who suck the life force of loved ones, of bomb explosions and bloodshed, of the coming of the Age of the Japnis. Another bestselling author who finds Chakra a must read is Nandita Bose, who said, “Intrigue, powerplays and the mystical allure of the supernatural: Ritu Lalit has penned an unputdownable saga that grips and entertains like dynamite!”

Apart from the uniqueness of the book, there is yet another reason that took the pre-orders of the book to new level. There is contest that has been arranged by Author’s Empire Publications in which the buyers can win a Blackberry Curve and many other prizes.

So hurry and pre-order “Chakra” today. Not only you will get an amazing book to read, but also a chance of winning a Blackberry Curve.

Below is the blurb of the Book:
The Japas are a race so secretive that their existence is dismissed as a myth. Tales of them abound in our mythology, telling of these men and women, possessing physical abilities beyond belief, playing with elements, with the power to curse and cure. They exist among us, mingle with us, ride our metros, visit our malls, and even go to the same schools and colleges as us.

Parineeta Mohan is a powerful Japni who has turned her back on The Witch Way. She has even brought up her niece and nephew as ordinary people, unaware of their heritage.

Their life changes when the kids disappear along with their cousin Roma.

A shocked and desperate Parineeta has to find them before enemies of her family do, and has no one to turn to but Jorawar, a man she is attracted to but cant trust since he belongs to the sinister organization Pax.

The only way she can fight, win and survive is to embrace her heritage, return to The Witch Way.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Taken Already : Book Review

Taken Already
By Yaagneshwaran Ganesh
Review By Ila Garg

The 130 page novel, Taken Already, has been published by Notionpress which is a self-publishing firm. The author Yaagneshwaran Ganesh is known for his earlier novel “The Group of Fools”. Taken Already is his second novel.

I loved the cover of this novel. It attracted me in the first look as I tore off the courier package. I was eager to read it at that very instant because of the cover which has a mysterious touch to it. It almost shouts out, ‘Enter into the world of thrill’.

But as I began reading I was disappointed at first. Initially the novel that seemed to be so extraordinary from its cover had nothing new to offer in the inside. First few pages are a bit dragging about the working of an IT company. The author has explained everything in details being a Product Marketing Specialist at a reputed It organization based in Chennai, India. So this description might only be interesting for IT people, but for me it was the opposite.

First half of the novel is average according to me as it narrates how a boy falls head over heel in love with a girl. His close-knit group of friends that helps him in the venture of pleasing that girl. There’s nothing different about the initial plot. I could almost interpret the end of the story.

But I must say the author is highly intellectual and has written an intelligent piece of writing. The second half took me by surprise. The author has marvellously woven a brilliant climax into the story that keeps the readers glued till the very end.  The characters are well chosen. Overall it’s a very challenging plot.

Sam Chacko, the detective was brought at a crucial time into the story but I felt his role was sublimed. The author could have portrayed him in a better light and made him look more powerful and quick. The other characters are more or less well defined.

The too many complexities of Arjun’s life is just one of the reasons you want to keep turning the pages to find out what happens in Taken Already. I finished the novel in one go as it is just 130 page novel, plus the second half is unique. To find out whether Arjun gets Anita, or Vinay gets Deepali, Anita and Deepali are connected or not, how Sam comes into the picture, Arjun’s love and dreams are fulfilled or remain shattered, everyone get a happy ending or not, what happens to the futures of Arjun, Vinay, Anita, Deepali, and Dhanya; you will have to read the novel, Taken Already.

I feel the breath-taking end will keep the readers engaged. Cheers to the author for penning down such a challenging plot.
