Thursday, July 25, 2013

Let things be!

Sometimes you should just let things be,
Don't try to solve them, don't entangle.
You will end up messing it more.
Stay calm and let things sort out;
All by themselves, don't interfere.
God may not always like your involvement.
Just have faith in Him and move on.
Keep your head held high with grace,
You may be wrong, a sinner, a criminal,
But when the realization dawns,
A new birth takes place, of a saint in you.
Yes you turn into a saint from sinner;
The moment you start doing good.
Remember, there always comes day light,
After the devilish darkness of the deadly night.
And thats when all your sins get washed off.
Things start getting on the right track,
When you stop looking into the past all the time.
The frown on your face slowly changes into smile.
You are no longer sad and gloomy.
All it requires is trust, faith, and goodness.
Firmly believe in yourself and the good;
That is hidden beneath you, in your heart.
And keep doing good whenever you can,
Stop hiding, stop worrying,
'coz you deserve to be happy!
Burn out your past and begin a new present,
With an eye on a better future, on a clean slate!
Sometimes you should just let things be...

P.S. - Forgive me Father for I have sinned!

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