Friday, June 21, 2013


The wind blows softly, I feel it.
The rivers flow smoothly, I see it.
The clouds move slowly, I enjoy it.
The rain pours swiftly, I enjoy it.
But now I want to raise a question.
Who has changed the nature’s equation?
Where has all the love gone?
And where is the green lawn?
There is pollution spread everywhere,
The nature cries but nobody cares.
Everyone is busy in their own life,
The greenery is depleting, making it impossible to survive.
Now, something must be done,
To be safe under the sun.
The hole in the ozone is causing so much pain,
I can no longer enjoy the rain.
The global warming is increasing,
The acid content in the rain is increasing.
Nature always nurtures,
But we are destroying our own future.
Now it’s high time,
Stop this deadly crime
And stop being a coward.
Let’s together TAKE A STEP FORWARD!

Ring a bell for IndiChange


  1. Sadly yes. And no one even cares anymore. They all scream and protest, but no one does something so little like Not dropping garbage or try to travel in public transport. Everyone include me and you and everyone, but such has life become that you can't just make way for Nature without causing distress for yourself. But then positivity is all we have, so let's hope, that the little thing we do today towards and for our mother nature, show us some way to do more in future :)

    1. Yes vaishnavi that's the spirit :) Keep doing your bit; someday it will motivate others to contribute too. Then drop by drop, the well will get completely filled and we will have our 'green planet' back :)

