Sunday, June 30, 2013

Frustration Reloaded : Book Review

Frustration Reloaded
By Ankita Patil
Review By Ila Garg
Frustration Reloaded, as the title itself suggests is a brilliant story of a frustrated chartered accountant, Ayushi Shah, by the skillful author, Ankita Patil. Through this novel, she narrates her journey to reach the ultimate destination of chartered accountant, the ups and downs she went through, the number of attempts she took, the frustration at every step, etc. 
The narrative is good and the readers wouldn’t find it difficult to keep up with the pace of the story. The language is easy to comprehend and there would be no difficulty in understanding the various plotting in the novel.

Frustration Reloaded is an ordinary account of a CA’s life with an extraordinary element of Frustration embedded in it. Initially Ayushi bears all the different obstacles in her career path as an ordinary CA does. She accepts the fact that the path to the ultimate destination of CA is a difficult one and requires a hell lot of patience. While introspecting herself, she claims that the only word that best describes her is ‘Frustration’ as the amount of frustration keeps on reloading in her life after every attempt she took to clear CA finals, and after every interview in which she was rejected.
The 216 page book comprises of 23 chapters. The story is quite meaningful and the main reason that I loved this book is the sheer realism used in it. Every situation, every mood, every word is described with reality. Everything is presented as it is without any exaggerations or superficialities.
Like the back cover says, this book is for everyone who is frustrated with studies, job, interviews and finding a perfect partner. It will always remind you with the frustration you had faced some time in your past life. If you are also frustrated with your life, read Frustration Reloaded.
However, there are places where the story seems to be a little vague and few grammatical errors can be noticed. But then I guess that is because the novel has not been proofread properly. On the whole, it is a hilarious piece of writings and will make you laugh throughout. It is also one of the main reasons why the readers will feel engaged with the book.
The too many frustrations of Ayushi’s life is just one of the reasons you want to keep turning the pages to find out what happens in Frustration Reloaded. Ayushi gradually learns to keep her frustration on the right track and not waste it.
To find out whether she comes out as a savior or surrenders to her frustrated life, she gets her true love or not, she is able to fight the system or not, she goes for a typical arrange marriage or chooses love; you will have to read the novel, Frustration Reloaded.
The author Ankita Patil chose a very different and interesting subject for her debut novel which is a fact to be appreciated. It is not a love story but a frustrated success story of a CA as well as a frustrated love story.

I recommend this book to all those who have ever faced frustration at any point of their lives. It is very relatable and you will highly enjoy it as it leaves you with a smile at the end. The narration is light hearted and therefore it’s a very quick read. You should pick this book if you have less time and want to read a good book.

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