Off late, my health is deteriorating, all thanks to the tight schedule that I have! I often sleep late and wake up early and spend more than half of my day in front of the laptop screen. Naturally, this has finally taken a toll on my immunity and I keep falling sick almost every day. Because I don’t get plenty of rest even after falling sick, so I never get fully recovered. All this obviously impacts the work performance and then everything keeps moving in the downward direction. Thus, our health is something that we should never neglect.
(Are you a foodie like me? Check out this:
I was tired of being sick every day so I tried a lot of green teas (of so many brands) and things like that which are said to have a lot of benefits. However, nothing gave a long-term relief. I then shifted to chamomile teas, which are really good for cold, cough and allergies from pollen grains. It’s still my most preferred tea.